Sohm Al

Sohm Al

Level 53, ilvl 105


The Dravanian Forelands (X:8, Y:6)

Mourn in Passing

Sohm Al. Casting its shadow over the Dravanian forelands, this towering peak is revered by the dragons as both holy ground and resting place. And now, in accordance with your pact, Vidofnir has thrown open to you the final ascent to the sacred mount's summit. But Nidhogg's minions will not lightly suffer this intrusion. Ere you gaze upon the fabled expanse of the Churning Mists, you must first carve a path through the mountain's denizens and overcome the consort of Nidhogg, herself─the she-dragon, Tioman.  



In this encounter, there are several mechanics to be aware of. First, the boss will use Acid Rain, which places small AoE circles on all players. Then, there is Sweet Scent, where Dravanian Hornets spawn and slowly move towards the boss. It is important to kill the hornets before they reach the boss. Raskovnik, the boss, will mark a player and draw them in, stunning them for 2 seconds. Afterward, Raskovnik will cast Flower Devour, a circular AoE attack. Hornets in range of Flower Devour will give the boss a stacking damage increase. Lastly, there is Spit, which is a basic room-wide AoE that requires healing.


During the battle, the boss, Myath, uses various abilities. One of these is called Razor Scales, which is a large cone AoE attack that targets a random party member, so players should move out of its range to avoid taking damage. Another ability is Primordial Roar, which not only deals a small amount of damage to the entire party but also spawns four blob enemies. These blobs consist of two red Blood of the Mountains and two blue Rheum of the Mountains. Myath can also leap onto these blobs and perform an attack called Mad Dash, which targets a specific party member. The color of the blob determines the effect of Mad Dash. If it is red, the targeted player will receive a stack marker, while if it is blue, the targeted player will receive a purple AoE telegraph and should stay away from others. It is important to note that when Primordial Roar is used for the second time, it will introduce a fifth blob, a large green Chyme of the Mountain. This blob immediately begins to cast The Last Song, which inflicts very high damage to the entire party unless it is killed before the cast completes.


In the battle against Tioman, there are several abilities and mechanics that players should be aware of. First, Tioman uses a skill called Abyssic Buster, which deals moderate damage in a frontal-cone. Tanks should position themselves so that Tioman is facing away from the rest of the party. Another skill called Chaos Blast creates a multidirectional arrangement of line AoE telegraphs at a random spot in the room. This requires players to be mindful of their positioning to avoid getting hit. The ability Comet spawns random AoE circles around the room and marks two non-tank party members with comet markers. These markers disappear after a few seconds and a ground proximity marker is placed at the player's location. The closer a player is to this marker, the more damage they will take. To minimize damage, the marked players should move to the edge of the arena away from the tank when the marker disappears, and then quickly run back. In later stages of the fight, Comet will mark all three non-tank party members. During the Wing Phase, Tioman becomes invincible at 50% health and her wings become separate targets. Both wings must be attacked and destroyed to make her vulnerable again. The ability Heavensfall is repeatedly cast during this phase, targeting a random player who will be hit with a weak unavoidable attack and a cluster of AoE markers. The marked player should move away from the group and then avoid the AoE circles. Dark Star is an unavoidable damage ability that affects the entire party. Once the wings are destroyed, the fight mechanics return to their original state.
